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Baseball Hall of Fame
Wills fakes & Frauds
Hauls of Shame
For over a decade, Hauls of Shame has been conducting an intensive investigation into the baseball collectibles and auction industries. This section of our website features original investigative reporting that serves as the primary source material for our future release of the book, Hauls of Shame. This website is dedicated to presenting our readers with original articles, interviews and news items relating to the controversies in the vintage baseball collectibles field as well as information about those directly involved in the on-going FBI investigations into the industry.

"As with all sports, games with the likes of poker has its fair share of scandals, anomalies and other shameful events that would other wise taint the industry. Thanks to websites like for exposing and informing the public about what goes on behind the scenes in the realm of baseball merchandise and auction industries . As a news website, we here at had its own share of exposing anomalies such as fraud and other scandals in our industry and we salute websites like this for making a stand in making such information available for everyone to see and be aware of. - Andrew Perry"

More information coming soon….

Contact us at:
(* these are required fields)  

Anyone with information that can aid the recovery efforts
 may contact us at:

 We also suggest that those with important information regarding the thefts from the
BPL, NYPL and Hall of Fame collections contact the FBI at:
(For BPL:
(For NYPL: )
(For Hall of Fame contact the FBI's Albany, NY office at 518-465-7551)

The services of Hauls of Shame and Peter J. Nash as a consultant and expert are available to collectors, auction houses, institutions, legal representatives and law enforcement. 
To inquire about details contact us at: